Monday, July 5, 2010


Konnichiwa mina-san!

I am in a part of Tokyo (とうきょう), Japan, called Yutenji.
Yutenji (ゆうてんじ) is named for the famous temple here, which I can see from the kitchen window!

I want to hear all about the things you're practicing in Japanese class! Post here and let me know what you are up to using NIHONGO (that's Japanese!) as much as you can. Also, let me know what you'd like to hear about or see pictures of on the blog (I don't have a camera yet, but hopefully soon).


New terms (atarashii kotoba)

-> にほん   Nihon (Japan)
-> みなさん Mina-san (everyone)
-> とうきょう  Tokyo
-> ゆうてんじ  Yūtenji
-> またね Mata ne (later; see you later; catch you later)


  1. Is your name Tikvah, Emily? We've practiced the T,N, and H lines. Then we've been reviewing and learning new words. But less and less people have started to come to class. Guess its just isnt the same without you, huh?

  2. Kaiel! I'm so happy to hear from you. Sounds like you guys are learning a lot! Are you starting to feel more comfortable with Japanese writing, reading, or listening at all?

    They sell Yu-gi-oh cards at stalls at the summer festivals here, and they make me think of you all. I hear Andy-Sensei doesn't let them in class--that's a great rule!

    I suppose if you're reading this, I should keep updating? I figured you guys are too busy to check the blog.

    Tell everyone I say "konnichi wa"(こんにちは)and "ganbatte!" (work hard/good luck)!

  3. こにち Emily. my bad for not going on the web site. I couldn't get a hold of the website.
